• Feb 8, 2025 from 2:00am to 2:30pm
  • Location: Osterville Village Library
  • Latest Activity: Jan 24

19th Annual Chocolate Fest. Sponsored by the Osterville Village Library. Baking contest and samples follow. Bring your dessert by in the morning, judges do their work and winner announce around 1:15 PM, then samples are available to all.

Drop off entries at the OVL on February 8th between 10am and 11:45am. All Entries must be on a disposable plate or serving dish.

Amie Bakery demonstration begins at 10:30 in the Anne Williams McGraw Atrium.

Dog Parade leaves promptly at 11am

Admission is free, and it’s a wonderful opportunity to connect with the community, support local businesses, and, of course, enjoy some of the best chocolate Cape Cod has to offer.

So, mark your calendar for February 8th, gather your friends and family, and head to the Osterville Village Library for a sweet escape from the winter chill. Plus the stores will have sales and chocolate treats!

For more details, check out the event flyer here.

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