Tuesday, July 12, 2022 (1)

Jul 12, 2022
July 9, 2022
  • Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival

  • Jul 9, 2022 at 10:00am to Jul 12, 2022 at 4:00pm
  • Location: Osterville, MA
  • Description:

    The Osterville Library is gratful to have 5 gardens availabe in Osterville to tour.

    The Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival is an annual cape-wide celebration of the region's blue, pink, and white signature flowers and everything gardens on Cape Cod! This ten-day festival's main attractions are the daily tours of private gardens, each designed and maintained by the individual homeowners and carrying a unique charm. You are sure to enjoy such eclectic spaces, not to mention the good feeling of supporting a variety of local nonprofits which will benefit from the proceeds of each tour.

    Gardens are only one part of the festival. Enjoy workshops and lectures presented by leading international horticulturalists, discover promotions at participating nurseries and home centers, take a class to learn proper hydrangea pruning techniques, or even watch a painting demonstration by renowned local artists.

    Private garden tours are $5 per person per garden. You can pay cash at each garden on the day of the g

  • Created by: Experience Osterville
  • Tags: hydrangea fest, gardens in osterville